
Living Wills and Trusts

Protect your legacy with a carefully crafted, affordable, easy-to-follow, attorney-approved estate plan.

Let's Get Started

Your Estate Plan

What's Included

Effective estate plans required a number of important documents to make sure you and your family are protected.

Certificate of Trust

Clearly defines what's included in the trust, who manages the trust, and what to do when members pass away.

Trust Document

The meat and potatoes of all the documents. Establishes the legal entity and protects your assets.


Make sure your loved ones know who will inherit your assets after you're gone.

Durable Power of Attorney

Assign someone to act on your behalf to fulfill your wishes should you die or become unable to act on your own.

Last Instructions to Family.

Let your family know what to do once you're gone. Funeral arrangements, whom to contact, how to gain access to your assets, etc.

How It Works

Our estate planning process makes it simple:

Answer Questions
Answer Questions

Follow the prompts to tell us about you and your family. We'll guide you the whole way and helpful explanations and examples of what most people choose.

Print Documents

After answering all the questions about your and family, we will prepare all the documents for your review. Just print them out at home. Don't have a printer? No problem, we'll print them and ship them to you.

Sign & Notorize
Sign & Notorize

Sign and notorize your documents. Most banks and legal institutions have a public notary who can witness your signature for a small fee.

Transfer Assets Into Trust

Once your trust is established, you'll need to transfer the appropriate assets into the name of the trust. Your house is a perfect example of an asset that can be transfered to a trust.

Transfer Assets

Why You Need an Estate Plan

Without an estate plan, courts decide who cares for your children, the state probate process distributes your assets, and your family is burdened with what to do with what's left over.


The majority of our business comes from referrals from happy customers

Harrison Family
Harrison Family

Salt Lake City

"I was able to set up a living trust in about 20 minutes. Super simple and it was WAY cheaper than hiring an attorney."

Johnson Family
Johnson Family

San Diego

"Once we started having kids, getting a trust and protecting our family weighed on my mind for years. But we finally did it with the help of Trust ASAP."

Reed Family
Reed Family


"Pretty simple. Recommended to the rest of our family."

Let's Compare

When you compare Trust ASAP's estate planning process with a traditional estate planning service, you'll see the benefits are clear!



Trust ASAP




Legally Binding
Completed Online
Attorney-Approved Documents
Unlimited Revisions
Accessible 24/7
Customize Choices

Our Pricing

We like simple pricing

Basic Will


Plan for your assets

Guardianship for your kids

Power of attorney

Best for those with assets worth less than $10K

Get Started
Estate Plan & Trust


Plan for your assets

Guardianship for your kids

Power of attorney

Living Trust

Increased control

Avoid probate

Private settlement

Step-up in basis

Pour-over will

Best to pass assets on to spouse/children seemlessly

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Asset Protection


Protect your home

Land trust

Protect your assets

Business & personal entities

Best to fully protect your assets from lawsuits

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Estate Plan

Estate planning is a plan that consists of a group of legal documents which details in advance the management and distribution of your assets and the care for your minor children in the event of your incapacitation or death. An estate plan includes a Living Trust, Will, and Power of Attorney (General & Medical).

What is a Trust and Why do I need one?

A Will and/or Trust Without the administration and distribution of your estate will be determined by state laws and courts. An estate plan allows YOU to control how your estate will be administered and distributed.

Having a trust is the best way to ensure your life insurance goes to your children with a specific plan.

What Exactly does an Estate Plan Do?

Think of a trust as a detailed plan. If you were around, you would specifically make choices about how your children are raised and what you do with your money/stuff.

But if you are not around, you need a plan. That is a trust. You decide:

  • Who will take care of your minor children.
  • How your money/assets will be managed and distributed.
  • Who will be responsible for ensuring your wishes are followed in the event of your incapacitation or death.
Can I afford an Estate Plan? / What does a Trust Cost?

Yes. The cost of developing an estate plan varies greatly depending on how or where you choose to go through this process. At Trust ASAP, we have developed a way for you to get a legally valid, enforceable, and efficient estate plan for $499 or less. Law firms typically charge $1,500-$5,000 for a standard estate plan.

What is a Beneficiary?

A beneficiary is the person(s) or entity that you designate to receive assets after your death. Typically, all assets are passed to a surviving spouse and then to children upon the death of the surviving spouse. However, you are free to dispose of your assets to whomever and however you choose. You decide the time and circumstances under which the beneficiary receives the assets. For example you pick the age at a which the beneficiary is eligible and how much they can receive/manage.

What is a Trustee?

A Trustee is a trusted person who acts as a custodian (responsible for management) for the assets held within a Trust. He or she is responsible for managing and administering the finances of a Trust per the instructions given.You are the Trustee while you are around. After you are gone, someone you trust and appoint will be the Trustee.

Have any other quetions?

Send us a message and let us know how we can help

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Let's get started with Trust ASAP

You're still reading this page? Wow! We didn't think anybody actually read through the whole page. But if you're still here, maybe we struck a chord with you about protecting your family. So what do you say? Are we gonna work together?


We like to share news and updates every now and then

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Jason Jensen
February 24, 2023
What is Probate and is it Required?

The regulations regarding probate vary from state to state. Learn about what probate is and whether or not it's required.

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Jason Jensen
February 16, 2023
What to do When Someone Dies

If you've ever wondered what to do when someone dies, here's a step by step guide to help you navigate this difficult process.

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Jason Jensen
February 6, 2023
What's the Difference Between Wills and Trusts

Learn the differences between a trust and a will and decide which is the best option for your estate planning situation.

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